No Grit, No Glory Fall Classic 2023
Sat, Jul 22
|Kinetic Grit CrossFit
Grab a partner and prove your GRIT! A partner CrossFit competition with scaled, RX, and masters divisions! New this year - COED division!

Time & Location
Jul 22, 2023, 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM CDT
Kinetic Grit CrossFit, 703 N Walnut St, Byron, IL 61010, USA
About the event
Grab a partner and prove your GRIT! We will be hosting our third No Grit No Glory Fall Classic Partner Competition.
$130/team - includes t-shirts if registered by  July 1st
Registration will be limited to 50 teams total.
Teams will consist of 2 same gender partners. New division this year includes a coed division!
Three WODS and 1 Floater workouts
Divisions will include:
Men/Women/COED RX
Men/Women/COED Scaled
Men/Women/COED MastersÂ
To be considered a Master team - ages must be a combined age of 80. Each participant must be over 35 y/o.Â
Chest to BarÂ
Pull ups
Toes to Bar
Double Unders
Wall Walks
Wall Balls (20/14)(10/9)
Box Jumps (24/20)
Thruster 115/85
Deadlift 275/185
Hang Clean 115/95
Ground to Overhead 135/95
Dumbbell Snatch 50/35
Ring Rows
Knee Raises
Single Jump Rope
Bear Crawl
Wall Ball (14/10)(10/9)
Box Step Ups
Thruster 65/55
Deadlift 205/125
Hang Clean 75/55
Ground to Overhead 65/55
Dumbbell Snatch 35/20
All standards for all movements will be CrossFit standards and will be judged.
 Workouts will be released by July 8th - floater will released the day of competition.
Cancellation fee is $20 if done by July 1st. Non refundable after then.
Prizes for top 3 in each division.
Scoring will be a point based system like the Open - no final heats
Athletes competiting will be inside the gym. All other teams will be asked to set up outside. Please bring a tent or chairs.Â
Food/drinks available for purchase!
WE HAVE MOVED! Please note new address.
Parking information to follow.
Athletes briefing will be at 8:30AM. First heat of the first event will be at 9:00AM. Heat schedules will be posted the week of the event.